Critique Options

ONLINE: Writing Day Workshops plans both in-person and virtual/online conferences. The 2024 CWW is an Online Conference, on March 8-9. Online events are easy and awesome, and the virtual events we’ve done thus far have received wonderful feedback. You do not have to be tech-savvy to do this, and understand we are keeping all aspects of a traditional in-person event, including one-on-one agent & editor pitching, which will now be done by Zoom or phone. Learn all details about what it means to have a writers conference online.)


Add $69 — for an in-depth, personal critique of your one-page query letter from Chuck Sambuchino, one of the day’s organizers. (This rate is a special event value for Colorado Writing Workshop attendees only.) Registrants are encouraged to take advantage of the specially-priced critique, so they can send out their query letter with confidence following the workshop. Also, if you are meeting with an agent at the event, you’re essentially speaking your query letter aloud to them. Wouldn’t it be wise to give that query letter (i.e., your pitch) one great edit before that meeting?

(Register for the event by emailing coordinator Brian Klems at and telling him you want to sign up for the Colorado event. He will get back to you ASAP with registration material.)

Add $89 — for an in-depth personal critique of the first 10 double-spaced pages of your novel. Spaces with faculty for these critiques are very limited, and participating attendees get an in-person meeting at the workshop. Options:

  • Mystery, crime, suspense, thriller, horror, mainstream, commercial, contemporary fiction (virtual critiques): Faculty member Heather Chavez, a published novelist, will get your work in advance, critique the first 10 double-spaced pages of your book, meet with you online (Zoom, etc.) or by phone for 15 minutes sometime before the workshop to discuss her thoughts, and pass along written critique notes before or after the meeting.
  • Young adult, middle grade, romance, upmarket/literary, women’s fiction, fantasy, paranormal, picture books; in nonfiction, self-help or inspirational by women (virtual critiques): Faculty member Lindsay Flanagan, a published novelist and former agent, will get your work in advance, critique the first 10 double-spaced pages of your book, meet with you online (Zoom, etc.) or by phone for 15 minutes sometime before the workshop to discuss her thoughts, and pass along written critique notes before or after the meeting.
  • Children’s picture books and middle grade (virtual critiques): Faculty member Brittany Thurman, a published author, will get your work in advance, critique the first 10 double-spaced pages of your book, meet with you online (Zoom, etc.) or by phone for 15 minutes sometime before the workshop to discuss her thoughts, and pass along written critique notes before or after the meeting. If you submit a picture book, it must be 1,000 words or fewer (can have illustrations or not).
  • All types & genres of fiction for adults and young adults (virtual critiques): Faculty member Kristi Belcamino, a published novelist, will get your work in advance, critique the first 10 double-spaced pages of your book, meet with you online (Zoom, etc.) or by phone for 15 minutes sometime before the workshop to discuss her thoughts, and pass along written critique notes before or after the meeting.
  • More critique options possibly forthcoming.